Formation French Labor Law

Labor law for managers / Droit du travail pour managers

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14 heures / 2 jours

Réf : 63118

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  • Mastering all intricacies of signing and terminating the employment contract
  • Integrating the daily management of the employment contract
  • Integrating the role of health in labor law, economic, legal and human challenges
  • Understanding staff representatives' role and dutie

À qui s’adresse cette formation ?

  • Director
  • Site manager
  • Seconded employee
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  • Cette formation ne nécessite pas de prérequis.

  • Overview of the company’s workforce: employees, temps (i.e., intérimaires), interns, apprentices
  • Use of Indefinite-term employment contracts
  • Flexibility: definite-term employment contracts, temporary contracts
  • When to use definite-term employment contracts / temporary contracts
  • Expiration of definite-term employment contracts (financial aspects)
  • Specific rules applying to other types of employment contracts (apprenticeship etc.)
  • Amending an employment contract
  • * Hypothetical: when to use definite-term / temporary contracts

  • Employer's obligations as to health at work
  • Impact of illness, maternity leave, occupational injury, parental leave
  • Unfitness for work: consequences, procedures, formalities
  • Specific leaves
  • * Hypothetical: managing an ill employee

  • Legal issues and associated costs
  • Rules for managing paid vacation
  • Rules regarding working time
  • Overtime
  • Methods for organizing working time
  • Mandatory rest: definition and implementation
  • Peculiarities of part-time
  • * Hypothetical: handling an employee’s request for paid leave

  • Implementation of disciplinary authority
  • Sanctions: definition and limits
  • Procedures to follow and deadlines to meet
  • * Hypothetical: handling misconduct (whether to sanction, procedure to follow, choice of sanction)

  • the distinction between the different modes of termination of the employment contract
  • the settlement agreement
  • the notice period
  • * Hypothetical: training on resignation / constructive dismissal

  • Overview of the staff representative bodies
  • Scope and limits of their protected status
  • Criminal offence of obstruction (délit d’entrave): risks and limitations
  • Quiz relating to employees representatives rights


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Vous souhaitez réaliser cette formation dans votre entreprise ?
Nos experts viennent animer dans vos locaux. Possibilité d’adapter le programme en option.

14 heures / 2 jours

Réf : 63118

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Nos experts viennent animer dans vos locaux. Possibilité d’adapter le programme en option.

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